Package-level declarations


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data class ChatChoice(val index: Int, val message: ChatMessage, val finishReason: FinishReason)

The OpenAI API returns a list of ChatChoice. Each choice has a generated message (ChatChoice.message) and a finish reason (ChatChoice.finishReason). For most use cases, you only need the generated message.

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data class ChatChoiceChunk(val index: Int, var delta: ChatMessageDelta? = null, var finishReason: FinishReason?)

The OpenAI API returns a list of ChatChoiceChunk. The "new content" is saved to the delta property. To access everything that is currently generated, use message.

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data class ChatMessage @JvmOverloads constructor(var role: ChatUser, var content: String?, var toolCalls: List<ToolCall>? = null, var toolCallId: String? = null)

ChatGPT's biggest innovation is its conversation memory. To remember the conversation, we need to map each message to who sent it. This data class wraps a message with the user who sent the message.

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data class ChatRequest
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data class ChatResponse(val id: String, val created: Long, val choices: List<ChatChoice>, val usage: ChatUsage)

The ChatResponse contains all the data returned by the OpenAI Chat API. For most use cases, ChatResponse.get (passing 0 to the index argument) is all you need.

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data class ChatResponseChunk(val id: String, val created: Long, val choices: List<ChatChoiceChunk>)

The ChatResponseChunk contains all the data returned by the OpenAI Chat API. For most use cases, ChatResponseChunk.get (passing 0 to the index argument) is all you need.

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data class ChatUsage(val promptTokens: Int, val completionTokens: Int, val totalTokens: Int)

Holds how many tokens that were used by your API request. Use these tokens to calculate how much money you have spent on each request.

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ChatGPT's biggest innovation is its conversational memory. To remember the conversation, we need to map each message to who sent it. This enum stores the 3 possible users.


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Creates a ChatRequest using the ChatRequest.Builder using Kotlin DSL.

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