Package-level declarations


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abstract class AbstractAssistantBuilder<T>

Abstract class for creating/modifying assistants. This class is not meant to be used directly, instead, use the CreateAssistantRequest.builder and ModifyAssistantRequest.builder methods.

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data class Assistant(val id: String, val createdAt: Int, val name: String?, val description: String?, val model: String, val instructions: String?, val tools: List<Tool>, val fileIds: List<String>, val metadata: Map<String, String>)

Represents the assistant metadata returned by the OpenAI API.

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data class AssistantDeletionStatus(val id: String, val deleted: Boolean)

Represents the result of a deletion request for an assistant.

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Represents the handler for the assistants endpoint. This class holds all the actions that can be performed on an assistant.

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class AssistantHandlerImpl(requestHelper: RequestHelper, endpoint: String) : AssistantHandler

Holds the default underlying implementation of the AssistantHandler interface.

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Represents the request body for creating an assistant.

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data class ListAssistantRequest(var limit: Int? = null, var order: ListOrder? = null, var after: String? = null, var before: String? = null)

Represents a request sent to the OpenAI API to list assistants.

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data class ListAssistantResponse(val data: List<Assistant>, val firstId: String?, val lastId: String?, val hasMore: Boolean)

A data class which represents a response from the OpenAI API containing a list of Assistants.

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data class ModifyAssistantRequest(var model: String? = null, var name: String? = null, var description: String? = null, var instructions: String? = null, var tools: MutableList<Tool>? = null, var fileIds: MutableList<String>? = null, var metadata: MutableMap<String, String>? = null)

Represents the request body for modifying an assistant. Modifications work by overriding the previous value. If this request has a non-null value for a property, then the value currently stored in the assistant will be replaced.