
data class Assistant(val id: String, val createdAt: Int, val name: String?, val description: String?, val model: String, val instructions: String?, val tools: List<Tool>, val fileIds: List<String>, val metadata: Map<String, String>)

Represents the assistant metadata returned by the OpenAI API.


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constructor(id: String, createdAt: Int, name: String?, description: String?, model: String, instructions: String?, tools: List<Tool>, fileIds: List<String>, metadata: Map<String, String>)


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The unix timestamp of when the assistant was created

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The description of the assistant, if present

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The list of file ids used in tools

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val id: String

The unique id of the assistant, always starts with asst_

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The instructions for the assistant, if present

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Data stored by YOU, the developer, to store additional information

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The model used by the assistant

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val name: String?

The name of the assistant, if present

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The tools used by the assistant