
data class CompletionResponseChunk(val id: String, val created: Long, val model: String, val choices: List<CompletionChoiceChunk>)

The CompletionResponse contains all the data returned by the OpenAI Completions API. For most use cases, CompletionResponse.get (passing 0 to the index argument) is all you need.


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constructor(id: String, created: Long, model: String, choices: List<CompletionChoiceChunk>)

Create Completion response (for internal usage)


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operator fun get(index: Int): CompletionChoiceChunk

Shorthand for accessing the generated messages (shorthand for CompletionResponseChunk.choices).

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Returns the Instant time that the OpenAI Completion API sent this response. The time is measured as a unix timestamp (measured in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970).

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fun getZonedTime(timezone: ZoneId = TimeZone.getDefault().toZoneId()): ZonedDateTime

Returns the time-zoned instant that the OpenAI Completion API sent this response. By default, this method uses the system's timezone.


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The generated completion(s).

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The Unix timestamp (measured in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on Junuary 1, 1970) when the API response was created.

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val id: String

The unique id for your request.

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The model used to generate the completion.