
data class FileObject(val id: String, val bytes: Int, val createdAt: Int, val fileName: String, val purpose: FilePurpose)

Represents a file uploaded to the OpenAI API.


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constructor(id: String, bytes: Int, createdAt: Int, fileName: String, purpose: FilePurpose)

Create empty File object


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Returns the Instant time that this file object was created. The time is measured as a unix timestamp (measured in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970).

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fun getZonedTime(timezone: ZoneId = TimeZone.getDefault().toZoneId()): ZonedDateTime

Returns the time-zoned instant that this file object was created. By default, this method uses the system's timezone.


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val bytes: Int

How large the file is in bytes

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The unix timestamp this file wrapper was created

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The name of the file (with the extension at the end)

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val id: String

The unique id of the file

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The reason this file was uploaded