
data class ThreadMessage(val id: String, val createdAt: Int, val threadId: String, val role: ThreadUser, val content: List<ThreadMessageContent>, val assistantId: String?, val runId: String?, val fileIds: List<String>, val metadata: Map<String, String>)

Represents a message in a Thread.


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constructor(id: String, createdAt: Int, threadId: String, role: ThreadUser, content: List<ThreadMessageContent>, assistantId: String?, runId: String?, fileIds: List<String>, metadata: Map<String, String>)


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The id of the assistant that this message belongs to, or null

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The content of the message

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The unix timestamp of when the message was created

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The ids of the files attached to this message

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val id: String

The unique id of the message

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The metadata attached to this message

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The role of the user that created the message

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The id of the run that created this message, or null

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The id of the thread that this message belongs to