
interface ThreadHandler

Handler used to interact with a Thread objects.



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open fun create(): Thread

Creates a new empty thread.

abstract fun create(request: CreateThreadRequest): Thread

Creates a new thread with the given options.

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Deletes the given thread from the OpenAI API.

Deletes the thread with the given id from the OpenAI API.

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@Contract(pure = true)
open fun messages(thread: Thread): MessageHandler

Returns a handler for interacting with the messages in the given thread.

@Contract(pure = true)
abstract fun messages(threadId: String): MessageHandler

Returns a handler for interacting with the messages in the thread with the given id.

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open fun modify(thread: Thread, request: ModifyThreadRequest): Thread

Modifies the given thread to have the given updated values.

abstract fun modify(id: String, request: ModifyThreadRequest): Thread

Modifies the thread with the given id to have the given updated values.

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@Contract(pure = true)
open fun retrieve(thread: Thread): Thread

Retrieves the updated thread object from the given thread.

@Contract(pure = true)
abstract fun retrieve(id: String): Thread

Retrieves the thread with the given id.

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@Contract(pure = true)
open fun runs(thread: Thread): RunHandler

Returns a handler for interacting with the runs in the given thread.

@Contract(pure = true)
abstract fun runs(threadId: String): RunHandler

Returns a handler for interacting with the runs in the thread with the given id.