Package-level declarations


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An abstract builder type for list requests. Many objects stored by the OpenAI API are stored in lists. This abstract request stores the data that each request has in common.

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class AzureOpenAI @ApiStatus.Internal constructor(apiKey: String, organization: String? = null, client: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient(), baseUrl: String = "", apiVersion: String = "2023-03-15-preview", modelName: String = "") : OpenAIImpl

The Azure OpenAI API client.

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FinishReason wraps the possible reasons that a generation model may stop generating tokens. For most PROPER use cases (see best practices), the finish reason will be STOP. When working with streams, finish reason will be null since it has not completed the message yet.

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Represents the order for a list, sorted by time created. In general, since you probably want the most recent objects from the OpenAI API, you should use DESCENDING (which is the default value for all requests).

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object Models

Holds all the available models for the OpenAI API. Most users are probably interested in Models.Chat.

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interface OpenAI

The main interface for the OpenAI API. This interface contains methods for all the API endpoints. To instantiate an instance of this interface, use builder.

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open class OpenAIImpl @ApiStatus.Internal constructor(apiKey: String, organization: String? = null, client: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient(), baseUrl: String = "") : OpenAI
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open class RequestHelper(apiKey: String, organization: String? = null, client: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient(), baseUrl: String = "")


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@Contract(pure = true)
fun azureOpenAI(init: OpenAI.AzureBuilder.() -> Unit): OpenAI

Builds an OpenAI instance using the Azure implementation.

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@Contract(pure = true)
fun openAI(init: OpenAI.Builder.() -> Unit): OpenAI

Builds an OpenAI instance using the default implementation.