
open class OpenAIImpl @ApiStatus.Internal constructor(apiKey: String, organization: String? = null, client: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient(), baseUrl: String = "") : OpenAI



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constructor(apiKey: String, organization: String? = null, client: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient(), baseUrl: String = "")


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object Companion


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@Contract(pure = true)
open fun assistants(): AssistantHandler

Returns the handler for the assistants endpoint. This method is purely syntactic sugar for Java users.

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open override fun createChatCompletion(request: ChatRequest): ChatResponse

Calls the chat completions API endpoint. This method is blocking.

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Calls the completions API endpoint. This method is blocking.

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Calls the embeddings API endpoint to generate the vector representation of text. The returned vector can be used in Machine Learning models. This method is blocking.

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@Contract(pure = true)
open fun files(): FileHandler

Returns the handler for the files endpoint. This method is purely syntactic sugar for Java users.

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Calls the chat completions API endpoint and streams each token 1 at a time for a faster response.

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Extension function to stream a chat completion using kotlin coroutines.

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Calls the completions API endpoint and streams each token 1 at a time for a faster response time.

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Extension function to stream a completion using kotlin coroutines.

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@Contract(pure = true)
open fun threads(): ThreadHandler

Returns the handler for the threads endpoint. This method is purely syntactic sugar for Java users.


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open override val assistants: AssistantHandler

Returns the handler for the assistants endpoint. This handler can be used to create, retrieve, and delete assistants.

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open override val files: FileHandler

Returns the handler for the files endpoint. This handler can be used to create, retrieve, and delete files.

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open override val threads: ThreadHandler

Returns the handler for the threads endpoint. This handler can be used to create, retrieve, and delete threads.