
data class ListThreadMessagesRequest(var limit: Int? = null, var order: ListOrder? = null, var after: String? = null, var before: String? = null)

Represents a request to list ThreadMessages in a Thread. If a thread has too many messages, you may need to use the after or before parameters to page through them via multiple requests.


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constructor(limit: Int? = null, order: ListOrder? = null, after: String? = null, before: String? = null)

Create empty List thread messages request


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object Companion


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fun toMap(): Map<String, Any>

Converts the request to a map of query parameters.


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The cursor to use for pagination

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The cursor to use for pagination

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var limit: Int?

The maximum number of results to return, between 1 and 100 inclusive

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The order to return the list in