
data class RunStep(val id: String, val createdAt: Int, val assistantId: String, val threadId: String, val runId: String, val type: RunStep.Type, val status: RunStatus, val stepDetails: RunStep.Details, val lastError: RunError?, val expiredAt: Int?, val cancelledAt: Int?, val failedAt: Int?, val completedAt: Int?, val metadata: Map<String, String> = emptyMap())

Each Run is broken down into steps. It is common for a Run to only have 1 step; creating a message. But with tool calls involved, an Assistant can create an arbitrary number of steps.


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constructor(id: String, createdAt: Int, assistantId: String, threadId: String, runId: String, type: RunStep.Type, status: RunStatus, stepDetails: RunStep.Details, lastError: RunError?, expiredAt: Int?, cancelledAt: Int?, failedAt: Int?, completedAt: Int?, metadata: Map<String, String> = emptyMap())


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sealed class Details

A sealed class that represents the details of a step.

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An enum that holds all possible types of steps.


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The ID of the Assistant that created this step

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The unix timestamp for when the step was cancelled.

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The unix timestamp for when the step completed.

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The unix timestamp of when this step was created

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The unix timestamp of when this step expired. This is only present if the parent run has expired.

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The unix timestamp for when the step failed.

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val id: String

The unique id of this step, which can be used in RunStepHandler.retrieve. Always starts with 'step_'. This is different from, which is also stored in this class as runId

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The last error associated with this run step. Will be null if there are no errors.

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Metadata for this step. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object.

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The ID of the Run that this step was created in

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The status of this step (Can be either IN_PROGRESS, CANCELLED, FAILED, COMPLETED, or EXPIRED)

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The data generated at this step. The type of this data is determined by type. Make sure to check the type of this data before using it.

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The ID of the Thread that this step was created in

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The type of data stored by this step. This will match Details.type stored in stepDetails