
data class ListRunStepsRequest(var limit: Int? = null, var order: ListOrder? = null, var after: String? = null, var before: String? = null)

Represents a request to list all RunSteps in a Run. If a Run has too many steps, you may need to use the after or before parameters to page through them via multiple requests (Though it is extraordinarily rare to have more then 100 steps in 1 run).


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constructor(limit: Int? = null, order: ListOrder? = null, after: String? = null, before: String? = null)


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object Companion


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fun toMap(): Map<String, Any>

Converts the request to a map of query parameters.


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The cursor to use for pagination

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The cursor to use for pagination

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var limit: Int?

The maximum number of results to return, between 1 and 100 inclusive

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The order to return the list in